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 Cherish it! It goes so fast!” “Enjoy these moments, they’re the best ones of your life.”

A statement  commonly said to new mothers , but the statement does apply to small businesses. 

The first 3 years are challenging, filled with ups, downs, doubts, and the confidence  that you may or may not be on the right track. However, once you cross that bridge, and take a look back, you realise it goes by so fast, & definitely a part of your business journey that you get to cherish.

At the end of 2019 we made 3 years and without a doubt still counting. Hooray!!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our team, without your support, dedication and flexibility we were able to meet our client expectations and turn most of them to repeat customers. Like the saying goes “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” 

To the clients that stood by us as we started our journey, thank you for believing in us and taking a leap of faith whilst selecting us as your service providers and we hope that we’ll keep growing side by side. 

We hope the next few years are just as exciting and are filled with growth for us and our clientele as we work together to make a social impact. 

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