Startup Uganda, an association of Entrepreneurial Support Organizations in Uganda, has as part of its mandate, the commitment to source and build the capacity promising innovations in various sectors of the ecosystem. In light of that, Startup Uganda with support from UNCDF and in partnership with implementing partners like Financial Sector Deepening Uganda (FSDU), Ministry of Local Government (MoLG), Mobipay, Danish Refugee Council and Ensibuuko, is launching an innovation challenge towards the development of use-cases that will be impactful for low income populations with a focus on farmers, women, youth and refugees. The innovation challenge is looking to address the challenge areas below:
1. Financial Health for MSMEs
2. Citizen Engagement
3. Leveraging Last Mile Distribution Networks
4. Digital Literacy

Digimark Communications, is behind the UI and UX designs of the Startup Uganda website. The client approached our team to come up with a one pager site, we defined the purpose and strategy of the site, as opposed to using a platform such as WordPress,we designed the ideal template with consideration of StartUp Uganda branding and had the site was coded from scratch,