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Happy New Year! 

Just like any new year, we all have resolutions and goals that we intend to achieve. Your  company/organization social media pages should not be left out as you carry out this exercise. 

We compiled a few do’s & don’ts that you could follow as you grow your social media assets. 

For all social networks

  1. Share several times a day, but space out your posts every few hours.
  2. Respond to all comments as quickly as you can.
  3. Know the art of the hashtag. 1 hashtag is fine. 10 hashtags are not.
  4. Always keep the 80/20 rule! Entertain and inform your audience first, sell to them second.
  5. Use first person plural when talking about your company brand (We, Us).

For Facebook

  1. Don’t Like your own post.
  2. Don’t post or tag photos of fans, customers, or employees without permission.
  3. Don’t tag people or pages that aren’t relevant to your post.
  4. Don’t ask for Likes, Comments, or Shares

For Twitter

  1. Don’t automatically direct message people that follow you.
  2. Provide more context in your tweets with Twitter’s latest update. 
  3. Don’t hijack another company’s hashtag.
  4. Don’t buy followers.


  1.  Don’t ask people to follow you or use hashtags like #tagsforlikes – it’s unprofessional.
  2.  Don’t overgram. No one likes their feed filled up with one user.
  3.  Use hashtags for your brand appropriately. The golden number of hashtags is 11.
  4.  Don’t stuff your tweets with keywords


  1. Personalize your connection requests. Tell them WHY you’re connecting.
  2. Don’t join groups and immediately start selling yourself.
  3. Don’t ignore the more professional tone of the network.

For more Information; Visit

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